Monday, March 23, 2009

In Class Flarf Response

3. What are your previous connotations of poetry? What is your previous experience with poetry? How does flarf fit in or not fit in with those ideas? Has it changed them?

Traditionally, I have thought of poetry as able to take on various forms based largely upon patterns of language and clever word choice. It could be cognitively thoughtful, emotively meaningful, and often prompts many interpretations. Some of these interpretations can often contradict one another while the poetry itself remains distinct and unchanged. Past experiences with poetry include classes I've taken and occasional passages I've chosen to read over somewhat sporadic periods of time. All in all, some poetry I have enjoyed and thought clever while others I have felt were underdeveloped and childish in nature.
Flarf differs from any connotations I have had with poetry as the worst of the worst of anything (poetry or otherwise) I have ever wasted my time to read. It is not creative, it presents no meaningful concepts, and does little to impress based on the look or otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I'll bite. Which kind of Flarf did you read? Google sculpted flarf? Test answer sculpted flarf? Flarf on sparrows? Flarf on clams? Flarfed Folly? Flarf about models? Flarf about God? Flarf about moths? Flarf with deer motif? Flarf on rock bands? Flarf on Bushisms? Flarf attacked by and written for/about Asians? Flarf about squid? Diabetic Flarf? Baudelaire Flarf? Flarf about cellphones?

    What particular poem are you responding to? What is this "worst of the worst"? Whose poem had the honor of doing this damage?
